Biblical truths and lesson.
Armor of God! We are called! Pray, pray with endurance. When the devil goes hard after your family. You Pray and love with all you got. Grace wins every time!
Jesus loves you at your worst and your best. He loves you when you are mad, sad or glad. He loves you if you are white, black, caramel or purple. He loves you high or low. He loves in the dark or in the light. He is chasing after you. He left the 99 to find you. He sent his only son to die for you. — you have to choose to see him and to let him love you.
#Savior #kindness #jesus #bible #depression #faith #JesusChrist #anxiety #worry #makeanimpact #youareseen #ministry #messiah #faithquotes #fashionstyle #god #armorofgod #biblestudy #depressionanxiety #bullying #religion #christian #GodsPlan #savior #testimony #jesuslovesyou #bibletruth
The facility is sponsored by Greater Works Ministery (Sandra & Wayne Warmack)
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What we focus on: Christian, Fellowship, Connection, Jesus, Church, Ministry, Motivation, Bible Study, Spirit Filled Ministry, Worship, Healing, Prayer
NWA Fellowship Serves: NWA, Northwest Arkansas Bentonville, Arkansas, Rogers, Springdale, Siloam Springs, Bella Vista, Fayetteville, Centerton, Pleasant Grove, Johnsonville, Tontitown, Gravette, Decature, Cave Springs.