Due to the lack of envolvement on a day to day. We have decided to not utilize the Greaters Works room on a day to day bases. We may still uses facility for events and specific meetups in the future. Current Schedule at the facility are events sponsored by Greater Works.
Sheepn Fish fellowship have moved into a mobile ministry with fellowship and blessing bags, as we work to build out the board directors, non-profit phase for facility etc.
Standard Schedule
Mon: 9:00 am - 6: 00 pm Closed
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Healing Prayer (Greater Works)
We will also schedule events like Mom's Night Out, Couples Cards, Bible Studies, Pop-up Boutique Fundraisers, Moms play dates for kiddos, Walking groups, Send Ideas!! LET'S SCHEDULE SOME TIME!!
Mon: 9:00 am - 6 00 pm Open Fellowship
Tues: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm Open Fellowship
Wed: 9:00 am - 8: 00 pm Open Fellowship
Thurs: 9:00 am - 8: 00 pm Open Fellowship
Friday: 9:00 am - 10: 00 pm Open Fellowship
Sat: 9:00 am - 10: 00 pm Open Fellowship
Sun: Closed
Please contact us if you want to visit, have a question, would like to volunteer or have some ideas for social events.