Our goal is to bring the body of Christ together in fellowship, connection, prayer, worship, study, discipleship and growth not limited by a specific Church door. Matter of fact this is the place to visit when your church doors are closed and you need or want some fellowship with a believer.
We want the facility open for all ages, for all kinds of entertainment and spirtual growth opportunity. We hope that on a Satruday Night in a community as large as NWA we have choices for entertainment that is not a bar or restraunt. You can walkin in a have a cup of coffee with a friendly face for 5 mins or 2 hours.
We want a facility that a teenage on a Friday night wants to gowith his friends to play a game of baskball or sit on a couch verse a party at some un disclosed house or back field.
We want busy mom that has not spoken to any adult since Sunday to have a place to set her purse and kid down for a second and have conversation with someone because the next option is crying in her car or hiding out in a closet.
We christians are not perfect and we more often than you think need people other than our immedate family to connect with and especially on those days that they church doors are closed. We want to provide that space!!
The facility is sponsored by Greater Works Ministery (Sandra & Wayne Warmack)
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YouTube: @sheepnfishgather / TikTok: sheepnfishfellowship
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What we focus on: Christian, Fellowship, Connection, Jesus, Church, Ministry, Motivation, Bible Study, Spirit Filled Ministry, Worship, Healing, Prayer
NWA Fellowship Serves: NWA, Northwest Arkansas Bentonville, Arkansas, Rogers, Springdale, Siloam Springs, Bella Vista, Fayetteville, Centerton, Pleasant Grove, Johnsonville, Tontitown, Gravette, Decature, Cave Springs.